James C. Allen
- Saying Goodbye to Rue. by James C. Allen
- Poets are madly attracted to drama, both wonderful and tragic. When a crisis as massive as the person you love dying of cancer emerges, it is the worst kind of individual tragedy for the poet but a boon for poetic activity. What bigger drama can life present?
- In this book, James C. Allen shares his tragedy in the most intimate terms. From finding out his lover of 33 years has terminal cancer to recovering from his passing, this book chronicles the broken heart of humanity itself through the eyes of a very perceptive poet. What a splendid opportunity. We get someone to vocalize what we all have felt and understood intuitively but have found difficult to put into words. We find ourselves identifying, living through his words, cheering for him as he curses fate and challenges eternity. We cry with him as he comprehends loss, then reassembles his world.
- In the end he accepts the dictums of the universe, as we all must do, and brings us back to the reality of mundane life, richer for the experience and grateful for the transitory nature of our purely observational involvement. He has created a wonderful tribute of love we are fortunate to share.
- Listen to James C. Allen's spoken word poetry on Soundcloud