April Davis
- He Speaks, April Davis, Published April 18th, 2016
- HE speaks to everyone, most of the time. The real question is: Who is listening? In this inspirational poetry book by April Davis, we get to witness the experiences of when one woman listens. Of course, we all have questions and wonder how to interpret what HE says to us. We can only improve through sharing the insights of April in her expressions of gratefulness, obedience and love for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- I Found Me, April Davis Poetry
- Very, very few of us have spectacular lives where we would change nothing. Some of us even have unfortunate events around every turn, or so it seems. What separates us is how we react to these times. Often, people run away from problems, hiding in drugs, alcohol and casual sex. Others will overcome their issues and decide not to be products of their environment. A few go through both experiences, and can relate to anyone. April Davis is one of the “survivors” who has been through the entire range of human ex-periences and through her hard work come out enriched by them. In her book ‘I Found Me’, she has chronicled these experiences in dramatic fashion.